*** I had gone on a school visit to a school in a hamlet of Nathakadu, near Trichy, to spend time with a primary school Head teacher and understand his roles and challenges...the following is a report on the same***
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Nathakadu primary school |
Pachamuthu from Payir (ww.payir.org), who takes care of providing assistance to government schools in Thenur and its neigbouring villages, drove me through a single lane dirt road in a TVS-50, past vast swathes of sunflower fields and tens of kids by the roadside gaping at the newcomer to the village of Nathakadu in Perambalur district, TN. He drops me at the Nathakadu Adi Dravidar Primary school and wishes me luck as he leaves for the high school nearby to teach math. He is a support teacher appointed by Payir and moves around different schools teaching math.
The Nathakadu school currently has two rooms, one serving as the Head Teacher’s room as well as a classroom, and the other being used as two more classrooms and the kitchen. It is a school for the Adi Dravidar (Dalit) community and has 78 children. The Head teacher (HT) is currently one of three teachers in the school. The other two are staffed by Payir temporarily. I was introduced to Mr Selvanayagam - the head teacher for the past four years - who was quite a garrulous personality and had no qualms in inviting me in and making me feel at ease. He of course was keen on hearing why I was there and I explained that I wanted to learn about the schooling system and the challenges faced and the roles played by Head teachers around the country.
The room at that time had about 30 children, from the 4th and the 5th standards, and all of them were amused by my presence and were working overtime to catch my attention and to giggle and salute a ‘Good morning’ sir. The girls all had a single thread of jasmine hanging in their heads and sat by one side of the classroom while the boys sat at the other side.
The HT took some time in explaining to me the setup of the school – single or two teachers most of the time, not enough government support in hiring new teachers, parents that are largely illiterate and either don’t care or don’t have enough time to care about their children’s education, how they barge in most of the time and blame him for not ensuring that other children didn’t steal pencils and books from their children and so on. He was clearly agitated at being buffeted on both sides – from the government and by the parents – and expressed helplessness. ‘I want to help, I want to make this school world class, but I come to school daily unsatisfied and knowing that nothing good is going to turn up, and leave the place empty knowing that nothing much has improved.’
When he finally started his classes, he made
the 5th standard children sit atop two benches on either side of the
classroom while the ones in the 4th standard remained seated on the
ground. Phonetics was the theme of the morning and he started off by writing
the alphabets and asking everyone about the sound each of those letters made. He
had to shout quite a bit in order to be heard above the din of the next class,
the two rooms were separated by three-fourth of a wall leading to easy sound
transfer between the classes.
His tone was quite rough most of the times, but
at the same time, that isn’t to say that the kids feared him totally. They
carried on their gay ways of talking incessantly, bullying each other, and even
doing things totally unrelated to what as being taught in class. And many were
not scared to get up and volunteer for answers – right or wrong – when he threw
questions at the class, this again indicated to me that somewhere deep inside,
the Head teacher had indeed built a good rapport with the kids.
were asked to write down words that were new to them from their textbooks and
then to come up to the board and
pronounce them. The first word was ‘Surrounding’ and the HT made all of them
pronounce the word syllable by syllable. Slowly he could see a pattern emerging
where children came up to the board and blindly said ‘Sa-Sarround-Sarround
saw through the pattern of how they were just copying the sounds made by the
earlier kids. He chided the class and said that they should pronounce each
syllable…‘Ss-ssa-ssar-ssaro-ssaroun-ssaround-ssaround ing’ so that he
knows that everyone understands what they are saying and how each letter’s
individual sound plays a part in bringing about the sound for the word itself.
Though this was a good exercise, I felt that he
could have gone on to other words and not stuck to the same word for almost 30
minutes. Not only did the kids, despite his efforts, see a pattern and just
parrot what everyone else was saying, there could have been more learning about
more letters that sadly didn’t happen. There were multiple instances where he
tended to get stuck on to a single example or idea and spent a lot of time
working on that. Most of these ideas did not warrant that much attention.
Post interval
The children again assembled in the class and
one girl was taking time to settle down. Unfortunately for her, she was right
next to the HT who spotted her fidgeting.
‘Radha, did you have a bath today?’ he asked
the poor girl who forgot all about fidgeting hearing his voice.
‘Yes, sir,’ she said barely audible to anyone.
The HT caught her by her head and pulled her to
the center of the classroom.
‘Is this the face of someone who has had a
bath?’ he asked looking at me. I silently prayed he was not expecting me to
answer that question. Honestly, she did look very dull, but I am no one to
judge if she had had a bath or not.
‘Please tell the truth, did you really have a
By this time Radha had psyched out and answered
even more softly. ‘Yes, sir, I did.’
School was let off for lunch at 12:30 pm and
resumed at 2:00 pm. Afternoon was devoted to math where he taught the concept
of the unit’s digit. Once he was considerably satisfied that they understood,
he moved on to adding single digit numbers.
‘Their basics are very poor,’ he told me. ‘What
they needed to have studied 2 years back they are struggling with even now. In
this situation, I feel very depressed that I am unable to make my full
contribution to the class as I have to first build their basics and only then
move on to what I need to teach them at this level.’
Halfway through the class, it occurred to me
that considering the harsh conditions the man was putting up with, his ability
to focus for long periods of time was pretty incredible. Not once did he even
show signs of wearing down or feeling sleepy. His energy level during the last
hour was the same as what it was during the first.
HT tries to maintain good relationships with everyone around him and this
stands him in good stead when he needs help for the school. No wonder his
school is one of the major recipients of aid from Payir.
Interesting conversation with a parent
A parent comes up to the HT. (She has two
daughters and one son, and except for one of the daughters, the other two
children have been skipping school for long)
Mother: ‘Saar (sic), someone stole my
children’s notebooks.’
Saar: ‘Is it? When and where?’
Mother: ‘Don’t know when but Abirami and Rahul*
didn’t bring the books back home.’
Saar: ‘When was the last time your
children came to school? Only Mozhi has been coming to school regularly,’ he
said pointing to a girl sitting in class.
‘Mother: ‘I know it has been two
weeks, but I have been trying to send them to school. They will come from
tomorrow for sure.’
Saar: ‘So why are you not
disciplining them at home?’
Mother: ‘I am, saar. HE (Spoken as
‘Avar’ in Tamil, respectfully referring to her husband and head of family)
whacks them daily, but nothing seems to be affecting them. You should also be
more careful in school, saar. And keep an eye on who is stealing and
Saar: ‘Amma, I did not even know of
this theft. Mozhi, come here. Did your sister or brother tell you about loss of
Mozhi (walks up to the master and
folds her hand tightly, almost at chest level): ‘No saar.’
Saar (with triumph in his eyes):
‘Your children did not tell me about the theft, nor did they tell this girl.
Then how am I even to know about the loss?’
Mother: ‘But saar, still you should
keep a keener eye in class.’
Saar (A brilliant argument hits him
suddenly): ‘Ok, tell me this. How come the one child of yours that is most
regular to school has never lost her books and the ones that hardly enter the
school campus have both lost theirs?’ He pauses for effect, which is not lost
on the mother. She knows that saar has a point here and grins sheepishly.
Saar (not wanting to lose momentum):
‘yes, smile now. It is easy to blame “saar” for everything, but if you are
strict at home, all these will not happen. Ask HIM (referring to her husband
again) to whack the kids a little bit more, meanwhile I will check if someone
has taken the books.’
Next two days
Day 2 begins with complaints from the children
to the HT. Complaints seem to be the order of the day.
‘Saar he is kicking me’
‘Saar, he is taking my pencil’
And believe it or not
‘Saar, he is not clapping hands when you told
everyone to clap’
Morning session is on Environmental studies
where animals and their natural habitats are discussed. But before that, the HT
seems to be in the mood for a pep talk so he asks the children why they don’t
study at home and why they don’t read their lessons on time. He then asks them
when they can complete reading a lesson he had asked them to read the previous
week itself. He points at a girl who says that she will complete them by 2 pm
that day. He then goes around the entire class asking them the same question.
Each child gets up, folds his or her hands and mentions a time broadly ranging
between noon and 3 pm. But by the time the HT was assured about the reading
exercise, 25 minutes were past and he unhurriedly got back to Environmental
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Uh oh! Bunking I-Day is not cool! |
The HT has contrasting ways of handling
children and I am positive that he is oblivious of this. On the one hand,, he
not only encourages the children but also forces them at times if he finds them
too reluctant, to walk up and face the class. On the other, there seems to be
an unwritten rule where every child should fold his or hands when talking. And
the kids fold their hands so tightly and close to their chest that I doubt if
they are able to focus on anything else but that activity.
About the HT
He is a man of habit when dealing with school
affairs. Being in a village, buses leave and arrive exactly at the appointed
minute and that enables him to reach the school by 8:45 am, a good one hour
journey from his home. He gathers a group of boys and girls and gets them to
clean the classrooms. The girls know exactly what to do; they gather the brooms
and dust the floor, some of them open the windows. The boys go out and smoothen
the land outside the classrooms and pick up paper scraps. This ends at around
9:15 and though the teachers report by 9, they hardly seem to be/want to be in
control and are quite content in letting the HT conduct the proceedings.
Assembly follows next and the kids gather inside the classroom to escape the
severe heat outside. After prayer songs, three out of six children standing at
the head of the group shout out ‘Stand-at-ease’ and ‘Attention’ alternately a
couple of times. The remaining three take turns in stating a verse from
Thirukkural, saying a proverb and a general knowledge fact.
The Head teacher then explains the kural and
elaborates a bit on the proverb. The teachers try to shoo the restless children
into silence and usually this is in vain. Once back in class, he cleans the
board, changes the day and date on it, and starts off writing with a ‘Pillayar
shuzhi’. On a similar note, he leaves school exactly at 3:45 pm to catch the 4
pm bus back home.
His desk is almost always neat and clean,
attendance registers (there are 5 of them, one for each class) are kept in
impeccable condition, and all the stationary are locked up in the almirah. Students
hit the bell using the mallet announcing interval and lunch breaks. There are
some that are even being trained for doing this, they made mistakes a couple of
times gonging the bell thrice instead of twice bringing in immediate censure
from the HT. But at the same time, good behaviour like finishing homework on
time, bringing to school a sibling that has been bunking classes for long,
following what is being said in class, all earn the students extra stars,
apparently for CCE.
Both in the way he teaches class and in the way
he talks to children, a good understanding of child psychology would go a long
way in him being more effective. Right now, his efforts, no matter how noble
his intentions, were proving to be counter-productive as the children either
feared embarrassment when he spoke to them or could not see his point at all
and just stared at him and nodded whether they understood a concept or not.
All said and done, the man works under intense
pressure and quite a bit of constraints few of them listed below:
- · Severely under-staffed
- · The two teachers that are present need to be trained in the art of handling children at the primary level
- · Lack of interest from the villagers to school related activities
- · Poor infrastructure
- Lack of electricity for most part of the working day (Heat was up at 40 degree Celsius)
Some pictures from the trip: